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A little about my art and me

I want to focus on some of what I think we humans should take better care of and protect - locally, nationally and globally. In particular, I am concerned with striking a blow for our endangered species, species diversity, nature, the environment and that what we own, we should maintain and repair - not just use and throw away.

I also paint to show how beautiful nature is in all its richness of detail with all its shapes and lines, with all its contrasts and in its great diversity.

In my project "Enduring values"  I consider some of our conservation-worthy livestock breeds, such as Telemarkskua, Kystgeita and Dølahesten. They are an important part of our cultural history and genetic diversity.

I have done this in combination with bunad silver and other elements from bunad embroidery, rose paint, brocade fabrics and a curling iron and wrought iron pattern. I want to integrate these elements in the paintings because they are about values ​​that can last a lifetime and can be passed down from generation to generation.


In addition, I am weak for such details - think intricate patterns are especially beautiful and full of life. I think this has been in me all my life, but 20 years in the bunad industry has probably affected me a bit.


My interest in animals and nature, a long-standing desire in my childhood and adolescence to train as a veterinarian and marine biologist, a job in the goldsmith industry and the last years in the costume industry have probably helped to shape my artistic voice.

Artistic CV

Course / school:

2008-2010 Nydalen art school - Acrylic paint

2004-2005 Olav Mosebekk's drawing school - Acrylic paint

2001 Olav Mosebekk's drawing school - Acrylic paint

1999 Oslo drawing and painting school - Oil painting

Exhibitions etc .:

2020 Exhibition Imset farm - acrylic paintings and giclee prints

2020 Exhibition Sjusjølunga 61N Sjusjøen - acrylic paintings and giclee prints

2019 Separate exhibition Dalype gallery - acrylic paintings and giclee prints

2019 Bøler Art Market (Bøler lions) - acrylic paintings

2018 Separate exhibition Dalype gallery - acrylic paintings and giclee prints

2018 Separate exhibition at Kampen - acrylic paintings and watercolors

2017 Bøler Art Market (Bøler lions) - acrylic paintings

2017 Separate exhibition Gallery Art To Be - acrylic paintings and watercolors

2017 Separate exhibition at Kampen - acrylic paintings and watercolors

2016 Separate exhibition Kafè Mistral - acrylic paintings and watercolors

2013 Bygdøy Lions autumn exhibition - acrylic paintings

2013 Bøler Lions autumn exhibition - acrylic paintings

2012 Separate exhibition Kafè Deja Vu - acrylic paintings and watercolors

2012 Illustrations for children's book - The little sea sailor - Watercolors

2011 Separate exhibition Kafè Deja Vu - acrylic paintings and watercolors

2010 Joint exhibition Nydalen art school - acrylic paintings and watercolors

2009 Separate exhibition Kafè Deja Vu - acrylic paintings and watercolors

2009 Joint exhibition Nydalen art school - acrylic paintings and ink drawings

2008 Separate exhibition Skaperverket - acrylic paintings and watercolors

2007 Bøler Lions Autumn Exhibition - Acrylic Paintings

Billedkunstner Sissel Endresen
© 2021 Sissel Endresen

Website design by Sissel Endresen.

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    NB! When buying a work of art for NOK 2000, - or more, a 5% art fee is added - which goes to BKH.

    Sissel Endresen Art and design - NO 976 754 743 - - Tel.93050686

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